Tips to Help You Find a Quality Terrazzo Stone

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Home Improvement

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Terrazzo floors are becoming a popular choice for homes and commercial properties. That’s no surprise, given how durable it is. It’s perfect for high-traffic areas like your garage, kitchen or even office lobby. Just make sure you ask your contractor to add non-slip additives to ensure the surface isn’t too slippery and an accident-hazard, HGTV suggests. It’s also available in a number of styles, patterns and designs so you can find one that matches your home easily enough.

Ready to go for terrazzo stone in your residential or commercial project? Then here’s how to find quality choices:

Do your research

Research can save you a lot of time and trouble later on. So know as much as you can about terrazzo flooring options in the market. Terrazzo can either be poured over the floor or bought in tile form. Decide on which type you want first and then look for shops that offer it.

Ask around

If you already know someone who’s had some work done whether at home or at a commercial property, then reach out and ask about their experience. Glean as much as you can. Get recommendations, referrals and suggestions. This can help you find the name of a reliable company or contractor to help you find a good source for terrazzo. You can also go online and work your way down the search engine results page.

Read the reviews

Once you’ve put together a list of potential sources, check out their qualifications. Are they licensed? What kind of terrazzo services do they offer? Don’t forget to read up on any reviews or complaints lodged against the company. A few bad reviews might mean anything but if there are too many, you might want to look elsewhere.

With these tips, finding quality stone shouldn’t be too difficult. Good luck shopping for quality terrazzo flooring!

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