There are plenty of things you and your potential spouse can do on your own to save a bit of money on your wedding. You might reduce the number of food choices at the reception or have your ceremony at a nearby park. What you can’t do is skimp on wedding invitations. Even the slightest mistake could result in a big embarrassment. This is why you want to use a company that specializes in engraved invitations.
Cards for All
Whether you need Indian wedding cards or ones for an American ceremony, religious invitations or secular ones, stationers can design them to your specifications. They will present you with a number of options for the announcement and RSVP cards, too. You may also want to try one of your own design ideas.
Templates and premade designs can give you great ideas for displaying your love for those you invite. You can add your own special touches to enhance these cards, particularly if you’re embracing your heritage or religion.
For instance, if you are planning an Indian wedding, you can have the Ganesh ji emblem laser-cut into the cover of the invitation. Or you can purchase American wedding cards with floral designs. In the end, you want your invitations to express your wedding’s theme.
Beauty on a Budget
Engraving doesn’t have to mean over-the-top expenses. Today’s technology provides opportunities to cut symbols and words into an invitation that are crisper and pop out more than those of previous generations. And this means a potential reduction in cost, especially if you order many cards at once.
To get a better understanding of Indian wedding cards, laser-cut invitations, or other custom items for wedding ceremonies across religions and cultures, contact the specialists at Regal Cards in Indore, India. Visit us online at to see our many intricate and beautiful designs for handcrafted invitations.