What are Mounted Prints for Peachtree City, GA Businesses?

by | Sep 4, 2019 | Marketing and Advertising

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The overall style and design of your office can impact the comfort of your visitors, customers, and employees. Within your office space, you can create a more attractive and professional appearance with mounted prints. Peachtree City, GA businesses can choose specific images and have them printed digitally on professionally wrapped canvas. This type of smooth canvas design can give your office space an updated and stylish look.

Communicate a Message

These mounted prints can help you achieve your design vision in your interior spaces. In communicating your message, you may want to have your company’s logo or history included on a mounted print. Another option would be to display a print of a beautiful scene of nature.

Saving the Integrity of Your Images and Photos

The process of mounting prints helps prevent the problem of images being warped or buckled. Mounted photos can be handled easily for matting and framing with a lower risk of the print becoming damaged. In addition, you have more options with mounting with regards to the size of the frame.

Mount on Larger Than Normal Frames

There is always a limit to the dimensions of the frame when you use framing for your images and photos. But with mounting, you can mount on much bigger frames by cutting the mounting board so it can fit in the frame. The process of mounting prints uses different techniques. These include dry mounting, wet mounting, pressure sensitive mounting, and conservation mounting.

Fill in Large Areas of Wall Space

One consideration to make when you want to mount your prints is the space you have available where your mounted image or photo will be placed. Mounted prints are exceptional options when you want to add a splash of life in any area with an ample amount of wall space available.

Are you are looking for an effective way to enhance the visual appeal of your business, convey important messages, or simply enrich the atmosphere of the surrounding environment? If so, consider the benefits offered by mounted photos or images for your business.

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