What Are the Steps Involved in Expansion Joint Installation in Chicago IL?

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Construction and Maintenance

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Expansion joints are needed in a variety of construction types. These joints allow for the expansion and contraction of the materials without causing cracking and other types of damage. These joints are commonly found on sidewalks, bridges, railway tracks, and other structures. Without these joints in place, major damages can occur and the structure will not be structurally sound. With this information, individuals will learn the steps involved in expansion joint installation in Chicago IL.

What Are the Steps Involved in Installation?

Expansion joints are made of rubber, wood, cork, or other materials. The material of an expansion joint is crucial because it must be able to absorb the energy of expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Without this material in place, major cracks will begin to occur that could result in catastrophic damages that require a full replacement of the driveway, walkway, or other structure. The following are some of the steps involved in expansion joint installation in Chicago IL.

  • The ready-made slabs must be the same thickness of the material that will be poured. When pouring a concrete slab, the expansion joints must be the same height to ensure they will work properly in allowing for expansion and contraction.
  • When the slab has been poured, a special tool called a joint trowel will be used to create an indentation in the material so the expansion joint can be put in place. It is imperative the joints are installed appropriately so they will be able to aborb the energy due to contraction.
  • If an expansion joint needs to be added after the concrete has been poured or if the joint needs to be replaced, a concrete saw will need to be used to remove the old joint and put the new one in place.

Learn More Today

If you are in need of services for expansion joint installation, contact Business Name. They are the professionals you can fully rely on for your needs. Contact them today and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have and give you the information you need. With these services, your walkways and driveways will be better protected.

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