What Commitments Do I Make With a Car Lease?

by | May 8, 2019 | Articles

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After trying a car lease in Naperville, it’s not unusual for a client to decide this is the only way to go. Along with the benefits that come from leasing a vehicle, there are some responsibilities that you assume. Here are a few examples of the type of commitments you make when you sign that car lease.

You Agree to Cover the Costs of Upkeep and Repair

During the lease period, it’s your responsibility to ensure the care is maintained properly. That includes making sure the fluids and filters are changed on time, the tires are rotated, and the vehicle is tuned on time. You are also responsible for taking care of any repairs that are necessary. Remember that you can enter into a service contract to help manage the costs of the repairs and general maintenance.

That Includes Repairs After Accidents

What about damage caused as the result of an accident? You must see that the damage is repaired. That means either making sure the responsible party pays for the repairs or managing them through your insurance provider. If necessary, you will pay any out of pocket costs not covered by the insurance. As a Naperville resident, you’ll find more specifics in the car lease that apply to dealing with damage after an accident.

Taking Care of End-of-Lease Expenses

There are several types of end-of-lease expenses that you may need to settle when the lease period is up. Charges for excess mileage, wear and tear that is considered more than normal, or penalties for failing to comply with any of the provisions found within the car lease in Naperville. Remember that if you decide to buy the vehicle at the end of the lease period, some of these end-of-lease expenses will not apply.

Would you like to know more about car leasing? At Hawk Volkswagen, our team is ready to answer any of your questions. Call us today and learn more about what we offer. With our help, you can enjoy the benefits of leasing the vehicle you always wanted.

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