What is Facet Joint Syndrome and How Is it Treated Naturally?

by | Feb 23, 2019 | Healthcare

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Facet joint syndrome is a condition similar to arthritis that causes the majority of neck and back pain issues. People over 50 are more susceptible to getting this condition due to the years of wear and tear on their back. If left untreated facet joint syndrome may cause chronic back pain, which leads to difficulty performing everyday tasks.

What is Facet Joint Syndrome?

The spine consists of vertebrae that connect and help the spine bend and move. Vertebrae have three joints; a large disc in the front, and two facet joints in the back. This three joint system is very strong. Facets are synovial joints lined with cartilage and synovial fluid in the center. They prevent the spine from twisting too much.

Facet joint syndrome is a form of osteoarthritis of the spine. Extra wear and tear on the spine may eventually cause the vertebrae and facet joints to rub together; this causes extreme discomfort. Over time this may cause bone spurs. Also, the spine may become irritated and experience difficulty moving. Facet Joint syndrome typically develops in the neck and lower back because the pressure of gravity is the strongest in those areas.

Facet Joint Syndrome Symptoms

Mild to severe pain is the most prominent symptom of facet joint syndrome. Pain in the lower back may indicate joint deterioration due to the effects of gravity. Pain in the lower back may spread to the lower appendages as well, all the way down to the lower part of the legs.

Soreness and swelling may occur in the affected joints, and even the surrounding muscles because they will overwork to maintain proper posture. Poor posture may be a symptom due to severe pain.

Spinal flexibility can be affected by facet joint syndrome as well. If the facet joints swell, they can cause a pinched nerve.

Facet Joint Syndrome Causes

  • Repetitive injuries and movements may change the way the facet joints align, which can cause discomfort.
  • Poor posture.
  • Aging is the biggest factor because getting older can cause cartilage to wear down between the joints.

Natural Treatments for Facet Joint Syndrome

Chiropractic care for facet joint syndrome in Waterford, MI. is a natural way to realign the facet joints. Continuous assessments may be needed to ensure proper healing.

Long term treatment includes a trained chiropractor demonstrating appropriate exercises and stretches to help alleviate pain and keep the facet joints aligned. These can bring blood flow which reduces pressure and swelling in the lower back.

Applying hot or cold therapy when needed can alleviate facet joint pain before exercising or stretching. Avoiding sitting for long periods can assist in the healing process.

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