What to Expect from Tooth Extractions, Find Services in Bloomingdale

by | Nov 5, 2018 | Dental Services

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If your dentist has prescribed that you need to have one of your teeth removed, it means that they were either unable to save it or this was the best way to deal with issues in the alignment and growth of your teeth. This is a surgical procedure and can be carried out effectively by a dentist or oral surgeon. Many people have questions about tooth extractions in Bloomingdale. If you need to have one done, this article covers what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Preparing for the Procedure

Once it has been concluded that you need to have the procedure done, you can have an appointment date set. Make sure you plan ahead in case you have work or other commitments on that day and the days following. You might also need someone to cover for you and provide you with transportation after the procedure.

The Actual Procedure

Because this is a surgical procedure, your dentist or surgeon has to give you an anesthetic. This is usually in the form of an injection to your gum, and the result is that the area surrounding the tooth to be removed is numbed. A general sleep anesthetic could also be used.

Once the anesthetic has taken effect, the tooth can be removed after the gum and bone that surround it have been cut away. Thereafter, you get some stitches to the gum and a gauze pad to the socket to contain the bleeding and prevent clots.

Your Recovery

It might take a few days to recover. Your dentist should provide you with all the information about how to take care of the wound and prescribe you with painkillers to deal with the pain. In the first few days afterward, get plenty of rest, eat soft foods, and follow the instructions given to heal faster.

For information on tooth extractions, contact Pure Dental Spa in Bloomingdale.

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