Lamps can be an eloquent addition in any room or outside surrounding, depending upon the type of lamp you buy. However, as with all electrical appliances, when they go out, they really go out and you have to do what you need to do for repairing. Engineered Products Company (EPCO) of Minnetonka, Minnesota will Replace a Lamp Socket for you. They want to tell you how to troubleshoot problems with lamps.
Two portions of the lamp socket you can troubleshoot are the exposed portion and the interior portion of the socket. Begin by leaving the lamp disconnected and removing the shade. Remove the light bulb and look down into the socket. You should see a brass tab; it is the connection that makes the bulb work. Ensure that no dirt, debris or other items are breaking the connection. Problems could occur if the tab is too far down into the socket. You can use a screwdriver to raise the tab up a little bit. Once that is done, you can try to see if the bulb will work. If not, you must proceed to the next step.
After this, remove the outer shell of the lamp socket and check the internal part of the socket. Look to find the word “press” embossed on the outer shell. Press on it and remove the socket at an angle. Remove the terminal wires with your screwdriver. You will need to use your voltmeter to do a check from that point on.
Engineered Products Company is the premier supplier of brands of specialty products to electrical distributors and contractors. Since 1976, they have supported the electrical industry by supplying a wide assortment of standard and unique consumables for commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural buildings. They provide in lighting, temporary lighting, utility lighting, tube guards, stairwell fixtures, fixture whips and landscape lighting. In ground bonding, they provide pigtails, powertails device wiring conductor and other accessories. They also provide heat shrink tubing, splice kits, accessories kits for residential and commercial products. Their goal is to provide their customers with competitive, cost-effective, quality products. When it is time to Replace a Lamp Socket, call upon Engineered Products Company by visiting their website.