When You Need an Accident Attorney Tulsa Has the Best

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Articles

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Every year in the United States, there are almost 11 million motor vehicle accidents.  Each one of those drivers was having a normal day until they experienced a moment of sheer terror followed by a crash.  The outcome was different for every person involved in those accidents.  Some of the accidents were fender-benders, and after experiencing some delay and inconvenience, they continued with their lives.  Some ended up on a gurney, being lifted into an ambulance.  For a few, it was the end of everything.

Because there are so many accidents, it’s easy to forget that each accident is unique.  Everyone involved is injured to some degree.  Some are injured so greatly that they cannot cope.  Grief and pain are very individual.  Everyone suffers those alone, and all the money in the world won’t reduce the suffering.  Yet, in the midst of the suffering, life continues.  The electric bill and the mortgage or rent must be paid whether or not the breadwinner is able to work.  The children need to be cared for and chauffeured.  Meals need to be cooked.  All the activities of life continue and must be dealt with.

After a serious accident, many people suffer from a condition similar to the post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) suffered by some soldiers.  This complicates an already grim situation.  Most people don’t realize someone is experiencing this.  This adds further stress.  Relationships deteriorate and families fracture.  A ‘simple accident’ can cause a lot of damage, exceeding the crumpled sheet metal and broken arm.  Money can’t fix brain damage or permanent paralysis.  Money can’t return a loved one who is gone forever.  But money can make it easier for those left behind to function.

A great accident attorney makes it possible for those left behind to continue with a decent quality of life and allows an injured person to receive the care that is needed.  He understands his clients and fights with compassion and knowledge for everything that they deserve.  When someone needs a great Accident Attorney Tulsa residents can contact Donald Cummings.  Engaged in the practice of law for 35 years, he has become a member of the American Bar Association, the Oklahoma Bar and the Oklahoma Trial Lawyers Association.   Mr. Cummings is a Diplomat of the Court Practice Institute and was the Chairman of the Tulsa County Personal Injury Plaintiff’s Bar.  He is listed in the Who’s Who of America.


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