Many people struggle with back pain, not realizing there are treatment options. One of the most effective ways to do so is with back pain physical therapy. Physical therapy is a powerful tool for improving the function of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This is because it strengthens muscles and improves mobility, reducing pain.
Signs You Could Benefit from Back Pain Physical Therapy
The use of physical therapy for back pain is beneficial for people who have chronic pain that is not due to an acute injury. It is more commonly related to movement or muscle soreness. In some situations, you may feel an ache. Physical therapy works to strengthen those muscles while also helping to ensure they are functioning in the best possible way. Proper alignment of the joints can also help reduce pain.
Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or it has not improved recently, physical therapy for back pain in Annandale, VA, can help. Seek a professional for a consultation.
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