It may appear as if installing an interior or exterior door is an easy task. After all, it just takes a few screws installed into the wall and the door will work, but it is more complicated than that.
Properly installed interior and exterior doors involves having access to the right tools, the proper knowledge, and experience. The following are just some of the many reasons residents rely upon a professional Doors Downingtown company to install doors.
The Proper Measurements
Doors, while they may all look the same, are not designed the same. Homeowners need to make sure that the door they are trying to install properly fits the frame in which it will be installed. If the door does not fit, it could cause damage that requires the entire door and frame to be replaced.
An improperly fitted door will cause splintering to both the frame and the door. Splintering occurs when the door is being forced to close in a space that is too small for it to fit. Forcing the door to close in a space like this will cause the top and bottom of the door to splinter or crack. The only way to fix this type of splintering once it occurs is to replace the door.
Properly Installing the Hinges and Screws
When a door is installed, the screws and hinges need to be properly installed to prevent damage. The screws will need to be installed using the right amount of pressure. If the screws are too tight, it can cause the wood along the sides of the doors to splinter and crack.
The hinges need to be placed with the right amount of space between them. If the hinges are too close, it can cause the door to close in a lopsided manner. This lopsided closing can cause the door frame to crack or splinter.
Hiring a professional Doors Downingtown company to install any interior or exterior door can eliminate these problems. Companies, like Beiler Brothers Roofing & Siding, can be found at Website and offer residents in the area the ability to have all doors properly installed.