Why St. Louis SEO is Essential from a Missouri-based Company

by | Jan 11, 2019 | SEO Services

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Most people know that search engine optimization is necessary and they usually type in the keyword and a city in the hopes that they get better results. St. Louis SEO is essential because it can help you get noticed and ranked higher on search results. The goal is to choose a company that lives/works in the city or state of Missouri to ensure that you get local search engine optimization. This proven practice helps to promote local companies to the local community. Your business appears in front of customers that search for your services/products in that area.

The Scenario

What if you forgot your wife’s anniversary and decided to get flowers on the way home? You’d pull out your smartphone and google search for a florist near you. Google pulls up seemingly endless options, and you click on the first result and find her favorite flower and buy it.

How You React

Now, imagine that scenario from the business standpoint. Your ultimate goal is to be first in the results page. While you can pay for a sponsored ad (and many do), you may find it more cost-effective and beneficial to hire an SEO expert in your area. They likely know the slang terms for the city, such as The Loo, STL, and many others. That way, the keywords you include in your content are ones that St. Louis residents are likely to use. You move steadily to the top-ranked result. Even if you aren’t the first, you have a better chance of being noticed and chosen when you’re on the first page of results.

Consumers already want their search results customized to their community; they don’t want to travel to another city or state if there are shops nearby. They save gas money and support the local economy, making it a win-win situation.

As a St Louis SEO company, SEO Solutions provide small-to-medium sized businesses one-size-fits-one SEO solutions to St Louis and the surrounding suburbs. Visit the website for more information.

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