You Should Know A Few Things Before Switching The HVAC Unit From Cool To Heat

by | Nov 15, 2019 | Business

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The leaves are falling, pumpkins grace many front porches, and fall colored accessories are being put up in dozens of homes across Chicagoland. Many homeowners are reaching to flip the switch from Cool to Heat. It’s not quite as simple as that, though, and your local HVAC contractor wants homeowners to know why.

System Freeze
If you switch your unit from cool to heat, it could freeze up the compressor. The coolant needs time to settle back into its original place instead of being in the system.

What To Do: let the system complete its cycle. Shut off the system for about ten minutes. If you don’t you could trip a breaker. It will also cost you more electricity.

Temperature Settings
If the A/C is set to 73 degrees, you don’t want to switch to heat with the temperature set at 78 degrees. The system will work too hard to adjust the temperature, costing you more on the power bill.

What To Do: increase the temperature by one or two degrees slowly over a period of time. This will keep the unit from overworking or blowing cooler air until it catches up.

System Check
Before you switch from cool to heat, your local HVAC contractor recommends changing the air filters both indoors and in the air exchanger. Gently clean or hose off the fins on the unit outdoors to clear debris. A dirty unit affects the effectiveness of the unit.

What To Do: Have your local contractor inspect the unit.

Homeowners who complete these tips but have no warm air should consider a new unit. Older homes’ units have a life span of ten years. Newer, more modern units have a life span of up to 20 years. Although they’re expensive, there are tax breaks and discounts for buying energy efficient systems. Contact Quality Service Inc. Heating & Cooling for more tips on switching over from cool to heat.

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