Your Rights Are Being Protected By The DUI Attorneys In Burlington

by | May 25, 2013 | Articles

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In most states, the consequences for people who are convicted for a DUI are harsh and severe. Certainly, no one wants to be involved in any kind of accident involving someone who is inebriated. Most people do enjoy having one or two cocktails during their dinner, however. The best way to avoid any kind of mishap is to pick a designated driver ahead of time. If you do ever get stopped by a policeman and are issued a DUI, you will need to act quickly in order to save your license. You will then need to contact a criminal lawyer as soon as possible.

The DUI Attorneys Burlington can help to save you thousands of dollars in court fines and fees. Because they are familiar with all of the laws and regulations, they can ensure that your rights are being protected and and that the proper procedure was followed at the time you were stopped. Many eestablishments do serve alcohol. A situation such as this can impact your job and family reputation significantly. It is a very frightening thing to even be accused wrongly of a crime. A lawyer can quickly choose the best course of action for your unique legal needs.

It can quickly turn into a very complicated and expensive ordeal when you are left to handle it all on your own. You can count on your insurance premiums increasing dramatically and this could even give you a permanent criminal record. A lawyer can help to turn these things around for you as soon as you make your first appointment. He has worked on many other cases similar to yours and can relieve your stress and anxiety immediately.

The lawyer is dedicated to fight for what you deserve. He can professionally help to disprove the results of the breathalyzer test and find ideas for other mitigating factors that would strengthen your case. You will feel more comfortable telling Powers & Costeck your personal information because you will see right away that they demonstrate that special knowledge, skill and proficiency that showcases a solid and credible track record of success. You want someone who can be vigorous and compassionate on your behalf.

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